Love Language Test
Free, 5-minute quiz to find out your Love Language Style.
A Deep Dive into the Theory of the 5 Love Languages
Love languages are all about understanding how two different people connect with each other. It's important to recognise your counterpart's love language to truly connect and build a strong relationship.
Picture this: You've been on the hunt for the perfect present for your significant other for weeks. But when their birthday finally comes around, they tell you that all they wanted was to order some takeout and snuggle on the couch.
It's not that they don't appreciate the effort you put in or that you messed up, they just express their love differently — or they have a different love language.
Understand the importance of applying love languages in relationships
Each Love Language Meaning
Words of affirmation
Expressing love and appreciation through verbal communication
Quality time
Showing love by giving undivided attention and spending quality time together
Receiving gifts
Expressing love through the giving and receiving of gifts
Act of service
Showing love by performing practical tasks or acts of service to help the other person
Physical touch
Expressing love through physical touches such as hugs, kisses, or holding hands
In-depth exploration of each love language and real-life examples and scenarios illustrating each language.
Discover your Love Language
Take a 5-minute love language test and discover your primary love language. After the test, you will have the option to get a personalised insights report.
How it works
Discover your love language and simplify your relationship: take the test and get tips for making it easier and more enjoyable.
1 - Share your love style with your partner.
Talk to your partner about your love language test results. Share your love style specifics and how they relate to your needs in the relationship.
2 - Be direct and clear about what you need.
Don’t expect your partner to read your mind. Tell them exactly what you need. If you love physical touch, let them know that you feel most loved when they hold your hand or hug you.
3 - Tell your partner what they do that makes you feel loved.
Let your partner know how much you appreciate it when they speak your love language. Share specific examples of times when they made you feel loved and explain what was so meaningful to you.
4 - Ask your partner what they need to feel loved.
Don't forget to check in with your partner and learn about their love language needs. Make sure you are both speaking each other's love languages.
5 - Express appreciation when your partner speaks your love language.
When your partner makes an effort to speak your language, let them know how much it means to you. Show gratitude and let them know that their effort doesn't go unnoticed.
What People Are Saying
“A must-have for anyone experiencing repetitive issues in their relationship(s). This finally helped me understand why it’s happening AND get off the hamster wheel into a more satisfying partnership.”
— Paola, 37
“I've shared it with friends and family and we had a good insightful time comparing our results. Definitely recommend it!”
— David, 33
“Filled with so many aha moments based on fascinating scientific data.”
— Jessi, 22
Take the Test and Discover your Love Language
Take the Test and Discover your Love Language